Category Archives: Discussion

New resources updated March 2013

Rudolph Steiner, founder of Waldorf Schools, suggested that there are the 3 fundamental capacities of the human being through which he or she can relate to the world and receive all that the world has to offer. In conventional education we tend to focus on the first – thinking.  He thought that we should educate our children in all 3 levels or stages: Head – Heart – Hands/Limbs.

There are new links posted in the Articles, Sites and Books section of the Materials page, and one new post in the New Ideas/Educator Resource Center section. This time the new posts are at the top of the page, which makes them easier to find! Please keep sending in your recommendations and discoveries. As you can see, together we are compiling a compelling catalog of new ideas, research and evidence supporting both the necessity for and the  manifestation of imaginative education for the 21st Century.

New Resources added throughout the Materials categories…

And there is a new one in Educator Resources too! Thanks for all your great ideas and research.

New Resources Added

Thanks for all your suggestions so far! New resources have been added to: “Articles”, “Websites” and “Other Links”.

Please keep sharing the site, so we can continue to make this a clearinghouse for great new ideas.


This site documents the Imaginative Reinvention of Education Symposium, held at Grand Arts in Kansas City Missouri, on Friday February 25 and Saturday February 26, 2011.

It contains program notes for the event and presentations, a short essay about why the symposium was initiated and links to related materials provided by artists and facilitators. The site is also designed to provide a platform for continuing the conversation about what an excellent education might be for our region in the 21st Century.

Please use this “Discussion” posting category to initiate or continue any dialogue connected with this topic. If distinct conversation streams start to emerge, we can further divide this category into different topic areas.

School of the Future billboard manifesto by Chris Kennedy and Cassie Thornton, photo Chris Kennedy